Pas de répit pour les zombis
Martes Bathori

Bande dessinée bilingue français/japonais
21 x 29,7cm / 49 pages offset + couv sérigraphie 6 pass. couleur / 1000ex / 15 €
“Martes Bathori est un artiste polymorphe spécialiste de la multiplication des identités (serait-il un obscur descendant de la mythique comtesse Erszebeth Bathory, goule hongroise qui aimait tant à prendre des bains du sang de ses servantes pubères ?). A la fois sculpteur, créateur de vitraux, auteur, dessinateur, peintre, céramiste... Son œuvre, foisonnante, le mène depuis près de vingt ans en toute discrétion du Pays du Soleil Levant à la Nouvelle York faisant ainsi de lui un artiste au parcours énigmatique.” Florence Beaugier
“Martes Bathori is a multiform artist working in Paris, France since the late 80’s. A sculptor, draughtsman, comix books author, Martes recently started working on paintings: huge enlargements of small sketches taken during wanderings in citys, a kind of nowadays blown-up reinterpretation of the Japanese woodblock landscape prints series from the Edo period, like Hiroshige’s famous hundred views of Edo.” HPGRP gallery
More about Martes : http://martesbathori.free.fr/pages/0pag.html
Calendrier des Familles 2012
Martes Bathori
20,5 x 44 cm / 13 pages / sérigraphie 9 pass couleur / 200 ex / 25€

++++NEW POSTER++++
Mark Beyer

“Mark Beyer taught himself to draw in the first 25 years of his life without the benefit of art school training. In 1975 he proved to the world that formal education was grossly overestimated by creating and publishing his first comic: 'Tony Target'. From that time on, a not-so-steady stream of works followed. In 1980 the mini-comic 'Death and Amy & Jordan at Beach Lake' won Beyer his first fans. Among these was Raw editor Art Spiegelman, who made sure that, in addition to his own works, Mark Beyer was the one artist featured in every issue of the legendary Raw comix magazine.
After Spiegelman's 'Maus' was completed, Raw came to a sudden stop. Mark Beyer had made a name for himself, but at the same time had difficulties keeping his audience. Currently, one is lucky to come across Mark Beyer's comix and art. One of the occasions for such a lucky encounter occurred at the 1993 Galerie Lambiek exposition of Beyer's art, for which the artist made special silk-screens, postcards and paintings on Plexiglas. Mark Beyer's animated art could be seen on MTV's series, Liquid Television. Mark Beyer is best known for his "art brut" comix style, which gives his work an unmistakable cult appeal.” Lambiek.net
Shop>>www.lederniercri.org/shop/index.htm (section posters)
Le Dernier Cri... à Angers
Vendredi 10 février - 18h / Exposition de sérigraphies + stand de livres
librairie Biblio.graphik
55 rue baudrière
49100 Angers
02 41 37 06 16
Samedi 11 février - 20h30 / Concert + projection vidéo
L'Étincelle - 26 rue maillé
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